Photo by Ted Di Ottavio

Monday, December 19, 2011

New Flutter In The Zeitgeist!

Every once in a while we search the word "flutterbox." Tonight's search led to this description of a homemade instrument by the Scottish experimental musician and composer Daniel Padden in a collaboration with the instrument maker Sarah Kenchington. Their record is called The Bellow Switch, and it's on the Shadazz label.


"The Flutterbox is a large, kalimba-like musical box with a spinning drum that creates rhythmic loops – simple, repetitive figures that form the backbone to the music collected here."

Picture please! We'd like to see and hear it. To begin the hunt, here's Daniel's myspace page:

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Looking for "effective amazement texts?" Call for Cardinal Furio!

I, Janine, have not heard a note of this music, but I can't wait to and it won't be long now, since he's headed back to town. In recent days and weeks, Neill has been across the pond writing lyrics to melodies from the great Mozart, melodist supreme, all for a Danish "theatrical concert" now playing in Copenhagen. Talk about brave.

And not just brave, but really, REALLY good. Did Samuel Beckett ever want to write anything other than "effective amazement texts," as Neill's work is characterized in this review? I don't think so.

"For an authentic Danglish experience," Neill texts (the hand-held kind),

read all about it here!

Friday, July 8, 2011

It had to be done

The Mixpod player we had embedded on this site ceased to work some time ago. You may have noticed. We assumed our limited tech-savviness was to blame, but recently we discovered that OpenDrive has ceased to provide their streaming service to those who only signed up for the free account. The hunt is on for a new player.

To tide you over, this shot of the blanket of Spanish bluebells in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden this spring........